Easton’s Beach, Rhode Island

Relax & Unwind in Easton Beach

Discover Easton’s Beach, RI

Easton’s Beach is a popular beach town located just a short 5 minute drive from downtown Newport, Rhode Island.

Visitors are encouraged to pick up a free destination guide from the local visitors center or tourism information center. Local guides include accommodations, attractions, water activities, events & festivals, and popular restaurants.

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Live Webcams

View live webcams from Newport, Rhode Island. Check the current weather conditions, beach activity, and enjoy spectacular sunsets and sunsets. It’s not quite the same as being here but it’s a great way to daydream from far away!

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Map of Easton’s Beach & Nearby Beaches

Use the map as a guide to find the best beaches in Rhode Island and locate nearby cities and points of interest.
Easton’s Beach, RI Map
Map of Beaches in Rhode Island

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Easton’s Beach, RI Average Temperatures

Wondering the average monthly temperatures in Easton’s Beach, RI? Use this chart below to view the average daily high and low air temperatures including the average ocean temperature per month.
Average High Temperatures per Month
Average Low Temperatures per Month
Average Ocean Temperatures

Map of Easton's Beach, Rhode Island

Easton’s Beach, Rhode Island Average Temperatures

Use this weather chart as a guide to view the average air and ocean temperatures in Easton Beach, RI.

The average air temperature in the summer varies between 75-80 degrees.

The average ocean temperature in the summer varies between 60-70 degrees.


Average Monthly Temperatures

Average High Average Low Average Ocean Temp

Average high, low and ocean temperatures in Easton Beach. Sources: Accuweather, Weather.com, NOAA Climate.gov.
