Garden City, South Carolina

Relax & Unwind in Garden City

Discover Garden City

Nestled between Myrtle Beach to the north and Murrells Inlet to the south, Garden City is a quaint seaside town on South Carolina’s Grand Strand. Garden City is well-known for its stunning beaches, laid-back vibe, and family-friendly attractions. It provides travelers looking for sun, sand, and surf with a peaceful haven. Garden City is home to immaculate beaches with smooth sand and calm waves that are ideal for swimming, beachcombing, tanning, and making sandcastles.

Map of Garden City, South Carolina

There is plenty of room for leisure and enjoyment along the broad shoreline. See the Garden City Pier, a well-liked location for sightseeing, fishing, and taking in expansive views of the coastline. The pier has bait, tackle, and a tackle shop in addition to fishing equipment rentals.

Garden City, South Carolina
Photo Credit: Todd Stafford

Discover the charming Marsh Walk, a wooden walkway that meanders across Murrells Inlet’s salt marshes. Savor wildlife sightings, waterfront eating options, and lovely wetland vistas. Visit Garden City’s eateries for mouth watering dining, including seafood shacks, cafes, and fresh seafood. A lot of places have dining by the water with views of the inlet. Go through Garden City’s stores and boutiques to find beachwear, gifts, souvenirs, and regionally produced crafts.

For more entertainment, dining, and shopping options, take a short trip to neighboring attractions including the historic town of Georgetown, Broadway at the Beach, and the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk. Relax and take in Garden City’s laid-back vibe, where you can spend time with loved ones, take strolls along the beach, and witness spectacular sunsets.

Amidst its natural beauty and coastal charm, Garden City offers a tranquil break with plenty of activities to enjoy, whether you’re looking for outdoor adventure, coastal cuisine, or just a quiet getaway by the sea.

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Live Webcams

View live webcams from Garden City, South Carolina. Check the current weather conditions, beach activity, and enjoy spectacular sunsets and sunsets. It’s not quite the same as being here but it’s a great way to daydream from far away!

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Map of Garden City & Nearby Beaches

Use the map as a guide to find the best beaches in South Carolina and locate nearby cities and points of interest.
Garden City, SC Map
South Carolina Beaches Map

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Garden City, SC Average Temperatures

Wondering the average monthly temperatures in Garden City, SC? Use this chart below to view the average daily high and low air temperatures including the average ocean temperature per month.
Average High Temperatures per Month
Average Low Temperatures per Month
Average Ocean Temperatures

Map of Garden City, South Carolina

Garden City, South Carolina Average Temperatures

Use this weather chart as a guide to view the average air and ocean temperatures in Garden City, SC.

The average air temperature in the summer varies between 85-90 degrees.

The average ocean temperature in the summer varies between 75-80 degrees.


Average Monthly Temperatures

Average High Average Low Average Ocean Temp

Average high, low and ocean temperatures in Garden City. Sources: Accuweather,, NOAA